Support for researchers: Better applications for funding

When you apply for funding, several types of guidance are available to you as a researcher. Experience shows that the more sparring you request, the bigger your chances of submitting a good application. The Department management team has established the following local guidelines:

The Research Support Office (FSE) provides guidance and assistance to senior academic staff in connection with applications, budgets, project administration and strategy development. For PhD students in particular.

If you are unable to attain guidance from the Research Support Office you may contact the Head of Secretariat. Assistance may be available if you act early in the process.

Local guidelines - Procedures for externally funded research

Below you will find relevant information regarding externally funded research:

Remember to register your fund application

Register your grant application in ReAp

All departments except for the department of Clinical Medicine currently require registration.

What is ReAp?

ReAp (Research Applications) is an online system for registering grant applications.

Why should I register grant applications?

It is a requirement from AU's audit, but registration also provides institute leaders with an overview of the institute's applications.

When you register grant applications, you contribute to providing:

  • an important overview of the institute's future financial situation 
  • information about success rates with various funds

It is helpful for both institute management, the finance department, yourself, and your colleagues.

Which applications should you register?

All grant applications must be registered, regardless of the amount requested.

You should register in ReAp when you:

  1. create a new application
  2. have received a response to your application (both approval and rejection)

Help with ReAp

Guidelines for ReAp (PDF)

Contact the secretariat leader at your institute if you need assistance.

Thank you for registering your grant application.

Peer-review of protocols and applications

The Department has established a peer review panel, which should be contacted through the Department head or the Head of Secretariat as early as possible during the application process. Together, we have strong competencies in relation to the most important research methods used within the field of public health, and collegially - regardless of method - we can help each other sharpen the coherence and argumentation, especially in applications. Ideally, every protocol and application should have undergone peer review before being sent out of the house. We hope that all scientific staff will contribute to this work.

It is expected that applications from junior staff are at least reviewed by the supervisors.

The Department offers peer review of PhD protocols within the field of public health (FP3) before submission to the Graduate School. The opportunity for peer review is announced well in advance of the next application deadline. Protocols are sent to Vice Head of Department Vivi Schlünssen, who assigns tasks to members of the Department's peer review panel. Applicants will receive written comments and an offer for a joint meeting with the participation of the applicant, supervisors, and reviewers.

For larger applications and specifically for applications to the Basic Research Fund, ERC, and the Innovation Fund, it is a requirement that the applications have undergone a comprehensive peer review process at the Faculty/Department, possibly involving external peer reviewers, the Research Support Unit, and the Communication Unit. The work on this is expected to begin at least six months before the application deadline.

If you wish to draw on the institute's peer review panel for the evaluation of applications, Vice Head of Department Vivi Schlünssen should be informed as soon as possible so that the task can be delegated. A thoroughly prepared draft application should be sent to Vivi Schlünssen and reviewers at least four weeks before the deadline, allowing time for both review and revision before the final application is submitted. Applicants will receive written comments and an offer for a joint meeting with the participation of the applicant and reviewers.


Deputy Department Head of Research