Finance, procurement and travel

Travel grant applications

You may apply for grants from the Department's travel account for study or conference related travels, both nationally and internationally.

Travel grant applications may be submitted by professors, associate professors, assistant professors, postdocs, PhD students and clinical associate professors employed minimum 50% at the Department of Public Health both at the time of application and at the time of travel.

Read more about travel grant applications here.

Applying for other travel grants (external links)

The list is not exhaustive.

Erasmus+ grants for employees

  • Training stay (does not require an agreement)
  • Teaching (requires an agreement - but perhaps "simply" a student exchange agreement)
  • Arriving guests from EU countries have access to Erasmus stipends through their home university (and under the rules of that university)  

UFM Erasmus funds for mobility through project collaboration

for instance, "Cooperation Partnerships" (formerly "Strategic partnerships")

HEALTH Circle U. travel grants

HEALTH travel grants for champions 2022-2024

Information is sent by email

Each champion has received 20,000 DKK in 2022-2024 to visit "their" HSP:

  • The purpose of the grant is to support the development of new and existing collaborations and to provide the opportunity to elaborate on ideas in a face-to-face environment.
  • Visits can include meetings, introductions, work groups, visits to labs and facilities, guest lectures, teaching and training events, seminars and workshops, etc.
  • The grant must be shared with an accompanying student or junior researcher.

AUFF International mobility