
The occupational health and safety organisation is valid from March 1, 2021 to February 29, 2027. During this period, it plays a special role in strengthening, developing and supporting efforts regarding good occupational health and safety alongside the Department management.

The local occupational health and safety groups are tasked with putting a spotlight on daily occupational health, e.g., by handling and preventing work accidents or being involved in the workplace assessment (APV). Therefore, it is also important that all employees at the Department are aware of their local occupational health and safety group.

The following individuals are members of the Department's three occupational health and safety groups (AMG) and of the local occupational health and safety committee (LAMU):

Acting chairperson Kristian Overgaard and:

Occupational health and safety groups

Occupational health and safety representative


Group 1: Sports Science

Laboratory technician Gitte Hartvigsen

Associate professor Kristian Overgaard

Group 2:

The 3rd floor of buildings 1260/61.

The climate chambers.

Laboratory technician Kirsten Østergaard

Associate professor Manhai Long

(daily occupational health and safety manager)

Group 3:

The 1st and 2nd floors of buildings 1260/61.

Building 1264.

Building 1150.

The 3rd floor of the Victor Albeck Building.

Data manager Lone Fredslund Associate professor Bodil Hammer Bech