Associate professor of epidemiology is awarded DKK 100,000

Christina C. Dahm from Aarhus University has received DKK 100,000 from the William Nielsen Foundation for her research on diet, lifestyle and population health. The award recognizes her efforts to bring different research disciplines together via epidemiology to benefit people, public health and the climate.

Christina C. Dahm
Associate Professor Christina C. Dahm received the award from the William Nielsen Foundation at a ceremony held at Sorø Kunstmuseum on 7 November 2023. At the award ceremony, Professor Eva Prescott from the University of Copenhagen and Bispebjerg Hospital received a similar award Photo: Private

Associate professor and epidemiologist Christina C. Dahm from the Department of Public Health researches lifestyle illnesses, and this involves using large population studies to investigate the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Her research focuses on possible linkages between dietary fibres and cancer; alcohol and cardiovascular diseases; general dietary guidelines and common diseases. More recently, she delved into research on how a sustainable diet benefits public health and the climate.

"It’s a great honour to receive this award. I take it not only as a huge compliment to myself, my research and my work, but also as an acknowledgment that epidemiology can meaningfully contribute to many areas of public health,” says Christina C. Dahm, who works with national and international collaboration partners from different disciplines and whose research has implications for the general population.

Christina C. Dahm was born in Gentofte in 1980.


Associate Professor and PhD Christina C. Dahm
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Mobile: +45 23 32 18 75