"We will know the consequences of the sector resizing by the end of October"

The work on implementing the part of the master’s degree reform that concerns sector resizing at Health is well underway. A working group at the Department of Public Health has completed the preliminary work for a proposal, which will now be reviewed by the faculty management and the collaboration organization.

Dean Anne Mette Hvas and Acting head of department Helle Terkildsen Maindal
At the end of October, the faculty management will make the final decision on where and how sector resizing will be implemented at Health. Photo: Lars Kruse, AU Photo, and Simon Fischel, AU Health

Here is the upcoming process

8 October: Faculty management meeting

Initial discussion and preliminary proposal for the implementation of sector resizing at the Department of Public Health, tbe submitted for feedback from the cooperation committees.

9 October: Extraordinary meeting of the Faculty Cooperation Committee (FSU)

Input on the faculty management's preliminary proposal for implementing sector resizing.

10 October: Extraordinary meeting of the local cooperation committee (LSU) at the Department of Public Health

Input on the faculty management's preliminary proposal for implementing sector resizing.

24 October: Meeting of the Academic Council

Input on the faculty management's preliminary proposal for implementing sector resizing.

29 October: Faculty management meeting

Final decision on the implementation of sector resizing at the Department of Public Health and reporting trector.

Early November: Announcement of the final decision

The implementation of the master's degree reform is firstly about sector resizing, which means reducing the intake of academic bachelor students in the programmes of public health science and sports science. Later, a restructuring of the master's degree programmes will follow, potentially affecting more of the faculty's programmes.

"We have conducted a quick internal process at the department, and the working group, consisting of the two directors of studies and our deputy head of department for education, has approached this constructively. They have truly delivered a substantial and well-thought-out piece of work," says Acting head of department Helle Terkildsen Maindal from the Department of Public Health.

Helle Terkildsen Maindal further explains that the upcoming process, outlined in the fact box to the right, has been presented orally to the cooperation committees (FSU and LSU) and in the occupational health and safety organizations (FAMU and LAMU).

Additionally, Health Finance has assisted the department by performing financial calculations on the various solution models.

The faculty management makes the final decision

"Based on the input from the working group, the department management team has now submitted a proposal to the faculty management, which will make the final decision later this month regarding where and how to reduce the intake of academic bachelor students in the two programmes," says Helle Terkildsen Maindal.

According to Dean Anne-Mette Hvas, the faculty management will make the decision regarding the implementation of sector resizing at Health at a meeting on 29 October 2024 and report it to Rector Brian Bech Nielsen thereafter.

"An impressive and well-thought-out groundwork has been done by the working group and the department management at the Department of Public Health. It’s a difficult task that also hurts quite a bit, so I truly appreciate the constructive collaboration," says Anne-Mette Hvas, and continues:

"I believe there are sensible solutions on the table, and the faculty management has been well-prepared by the department's thorough preliminary work, giving us the foundation to make a difficult decision on an informed basis."

The faculty management expects to announce the final decision at the beginning of November 2024.


Dean Anne-Mette Hvas
Aarhus University, Health
Email: dean.health@au.dk

Acting head of department Helle Terkildsen Maindal
Aarhus University, Department of Public Health
Phone: +45 25 46 23 20
Email: htm@ph.au.dk

Further reading: "The Master's degree reform will affect one department at Health more than others.

This text is based on machine translation.