Research into kidney diseases strengthened in Aarhus
Do patients with acute kidney injury suffer a long-term decrease in kidney function and therefore a greater risk of chronic kidney and cardiovascular diseases? And what is the prognosis for the different kidney diseases? These are some of the questions that Christian Fynbo Christiansen will try to answer in his new professorship at Aarhus University.

As many as one in five hospitalised patients develop acute kidney injury, and almost ten per cent of the adult population lives with chronic kidney disease. So kidney diseases are both frequent and potentially serious.
Christian Fynbo Christiansen from the Department of Clinical Medicine has just been appointed professor of kidney disease epidemiology, and his focus in the position will be to strengthen epidemiological research into acute kidney injury and chronic kidney disease. His particular focus is on the impact of a kidney disease prior to or as a complication after cancer treatment or surgery. He looks into the link between acute kidney injury and how chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease develop.
The research is based on national laboratory data on kidney function which will be linked with the unique Danish health registers. According to the new professor, increased attention on the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases is vital.
The professorship provides the opportunity to work in a targeted manner to strengthen epidemiological research into kidney diseases, among other things by establishing a national kidney cohort with clinical data, expanding national and international research collaborations and attracting external funding.
Christian Fynbo Christiansen
Aarhus University, Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Epidemiology
Tel.: (+45) 8716 8218